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If the graphics turned you off, get off your lazy ass and buy the 3DS version. If you have a problem with the 3DS version's graphics, there's something wrong with you. I do NOT want an Ocarina of Time HD remake. Because that's all it would be, a graphical upgrade. At least the 3DS version added stuff beyond better graphics and 3D capabilities. An HD remake would get terrible reviews for not bringing enough new stuff to make the remake worth it, and Nintendo would be accused of milking a classic, and quite honestly, I don't think many would defend them. It would get horrible reviews (at least by OOT standards) and soil the game's good name. Remake Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess instead. Majora's Mask 3D on 3DS, give it the Master Quest treatment and streamline some things, and Twilight Princess HD on Wii U, with some added features so that Hyrule Field isn't a pointless, endless expanse of boredom worse than Wind Waker's ocean. As for Ocarina of Time HD, let's wait on that one, at the very least for a whole decade.