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Soriku said:
JGarret said:

I was checking out the official thread on GAF.I saw you also post there.Of course, I didn´t read those ~200 pages, but based on the little I saw, it looks like there are a fair number of people who also agree DS 1 is better.

Also, there´s the DS 2 downgrade debacle.The latest info there is that, the PC version will be heavily downgraded too 0_0

I understand people being up in arms about the PC version.What´s your take on all that?

There are people who consider it better than 1 and there are people who think 2 is better. Both are good games, really.

As for the downgrade, I don't care about the PC version so that doesn't really bother me. But it's disappointing they downgraded the lighting because it used to look really good.

That area doesn't look like that anymore.

I think the likely assumption is that they couldn't get the game to run with the lighting on consoles, but going from what people have been saying on GAF, they could've still made it look a lot better than the game does now (which still looks good, but...). Who knows if they just ran out of time, money, or they just weren't competent enough.

Ultimately the game is still fun to play.

It looks like it´s more than just the lighting, isn´t it?...I haven´t played the game, but that thread on GAF has some pics with terrible textures even going by PS3 standards.