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More than new IPs, they need more games.
- Big licenses faster, something like MK8 like launch day, most famous IP within a year would be awesome.
Sony and MS are not doing that, but they have 3rd support, and didn't have so many years to prepare while getting so much money from Wii. For that, better development, bigger teams, better tools and dev processes. Welcome to 2014 !

- 3rd party devlopment for less selling/forgotten nintendo licenses.
For Nintendo, F-Zero is a failure in term of sales and in term of quality (the game doesn't add enough). But for me that's a success, it sold well enough, the license could continue, and still has room for a version on every console (networks, extensions, user-made circuits). The same goes for starfox, 1080, etc.

- 3rd party support
Like sponsoring for promising indies, exclusivity for little studios (especially japanese loosing studios), and use money for bigger licenses (you need FIFA, COD). Seeing Onimusha or Valkyria Chronicle again would be awesome.

- smartphone port
Bring money to get port from fun smartphone game that would use the controller directly and in a fun way.

Their success and doom is that they could avoid such changes thanks to the Wii. But Nintendo is now back on the way it was following for GC and N64. I really hope they will not try again and again to restart a Wii-like success. Because I'm not interested in, and because I don't think it will ever work again.