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Louie said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,I dont think the PSP is falling in US and UE .In US for example it sold 243K units in US alone in february ,improving its January numbers and also improving last years numbers .

In UE the numbers are just a bit fake ...the PSP is selling really fast and has been in rupture of stock over the holidays and january and debut february and vgchartz still puts it toe to toe with the not-selling-at-all 360 .

For example in Spain the PSP numbers for 31 Dec were 1.8 million nearly 1.9 after Sony data citing GFK ,and this site continues to have it at 1.5 million .I think PSP is undertracked in Europe ,and its software vastly undertracked .The piratery is hurting a lot ,yes ,but that doesnt detract from the fact that we actually see the product moving in the stores .

 The only thing undertracked and underestimated on this site, Diomedes, is the influence of huge, faceless corporations on their respective supporters in certain videogame forums...

Yeah ,you are even more of a fanboy than I thought .But I wasnt speaking of that .The PSP is undertracked in SPAIN ,thats clear GFk data put it at nearly 1.9 million for 31 dec .I have even said some weeks ago that I think the PS3 is overtracked some 40-50K units in my country so so much about supporting blindly a "faceless corporation " .But the PSP is undertracked ,thats fact not opinion .ANd as the US sales have increased since january to february and year to year is easy to understand the PSP isnt falling anywhere .