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outlawauron said:
My last thought is from your second half. Rather than phrasing the statement this way, why not do it this way. "Why wouldn't a Wii U want an FPS, racing game, open world game, etc?" There's obviously some desire for these games, because even a mediocre FPS like The Conduit was hyped up. Had it been a good game, I think it could have actually sold pretty well.

Red Steel 2 says hi.


Let's be honest, while both Nintendo and 3rd parties deserve blame for not hyping up games or similar issues, I spent an embarassing amount of time on the internet trying to hype up lots of interesting non-first party Wii game that I knew was coming in late 2008/early to mid 2009. Like joining lots of fan communities, every day usually spending an hour or so trying to be part of those communities while also convenietntly talking about some lesser known upcoming Wii titles. And the hypocrisy from hardcore gamers just so they couldn't support new IP or actual 3rd party hardcore titles was so consistently awful it was insane. It really made me incredibly cynical towards most of the gaming community until that time Operation Rainfall tried to get Japanese games over here and support interesting videos games. Gamers had no interesting in getting anything good for Wii that wasn't a Nintendo sequel essentially, I saw that first hand over and over and over. And this is essentially most of my opinion of this. Now excuse me while I play that Little King's Story no one bought, aka a Pikmin like game when people were complaining that Wii wasn't getting a new Pikmin.