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JPL78 said:
I have Crohns Disease and I spend a lot of time in and out of the bathroom in the morning. Remote play is relevant to me because on days like that I don't have to disrupt my gameplay. But I'll agree it's hit or miss on how well it works for certain games.

It really is, I tried to play MGS5 GZ on it and it worked amazing, no lag, no issues, played for a good half hour. Then I moved to Killzone and it was disconecting all the time for some reason, same thing with Warframe. Maybe it is about the size of the game or something, i don´t really know.

But, as you said, the cross-buy stuff is the really good deal. And the indies, there some amazing games out there and they feel perfect in the VITA.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.