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JWeinCom said:

Sure. When I talked about profit, I meant overall profit, all things considered profit. Even in a shrinking market and being number 2 or 3 you can have a steady healthy source of income from a product. I think the stores will always give a little space for Vita if it sells ok.

I think that stores will stock Vita stuff, but only because they want to maintain a strong relationship with Sony.  On its own merit though, they would not.  Considering the software sales and hardware sales of the Vita, do you believe that Sony couldn't be using the money they devote to the Vita for something with a higher return?

I agree with you that the Vita is not a blockbuster hot item, but, all things consider, I think that the ecosystem can sustain it for another year and the PS4 will create a little more interest on the handheld. Anyone who have it, know how amazing it is and how fun even the indies are on the system. Like, Thomas was alone is such a zen experience and Lone Survivor is a perfect fit also.

I don´t think sony can abandon the vita and gamble in another thing, the handheld market is pretty much gone for now, with the mobile and IOS stuff. But i do think it can limp till the finish line for a while, and build a nice library along the way. It is very much like the wiiU, not doing good business, but still a chance of doing some profit if you keep the expectatives low and the flow of games high.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.