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Niko Belic nuff said.

Soulcalibur 4 & 5
After Soul Calibur 3’s sheer amount of content and modes( still waiting for another chronicles’ of the sword mode) 4 and 5 where massive let downs which no amount of special guest character’s will make up for.

Mass effect 2 & 3
What happened to the RPG elements and freedom to explore the universe.

Fable 3
Like a lot of games on this list I enjoyed fable 3, hell I even enjoyed peter molyneux attempt to reinvent the RPG wheel (sanctuary, road to rule etc.) which is the very thing that got it on this list.


After fallout 3 I expected another adventure that would blow my head off (needless to say it didn’t).

Kingdom hearts Recodded
Why this entry even existed in such a story driven series is a mystery to me.

Final fantasy X-2
Good game just didn’t enjoy the story at all and was a let-down after FF X.

Call of duty modern warfare 2
Just didn’t feel it improved in any way on cod 4 that much if at all.