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Saw some thread saying the Vita should be called PSDeath.

Althought it was a troll thread, it brought to my mind a valid subject of discussion:

How the Vita stands now with the PS4 release?

Well, I played a entire mission of METAL GEAR SOLID 5 yesterday lying in my bed with PSVita remote play, it was quite a nice experience and, althought sometimes the Remote Play doesn´t work that well, this is a neat function.

It is quite a sight to see Snake in such glorious form in a little handheld screen, being sneaky never felt so cool.

But, in the end, the Cross-Buy feature is much more appealing, afterwards I played Lone Survivor in my Vita for a while, which is a PSPlus free cross-buy game that also work on my PS3.

So, being able to play these indies in both consoles is a very interesting feature.
But, in the end, the Vita have to hold on his own, with it´s own games. In that department, it is ok, not great, but ok.

The thing is, if sony is selling each Vita with some profit, it is really fine, the handheld can hold on its own for 5, 7 years, like the PSP, which I still play from time to time, because of amazing RPGs like Star Ocean and Valkyria Chronicles.

But, if Sony is selling the thing at a loss, this is a very stupid strategy because the system will never be a hot item or anything. It will get to 20-25 million at most, but this is still ok, as long as the business model is healthy and, to be honest, very humble in the forecasts.

I like my Vita, I use it much more than my 3DS, mainly because Sony gives me free games on it. But, I bought 5 games on my Vita (Fifa, Uncharted, LBP, Persona 4, Silent Hill) and only 3 on my 3DS, so, giving out games paid off, because made me love the handheld enough to also buy some interesting stuff.

So, keep the name VITA but do no lower the price, instead, keep it at a level that Sony can have profit on each unit, and then, let the games do the talk. Step by step, RPG by RPG, the library will get as sexy and awesome as the PSP´s library was (and still very much is).

It is not about being the top dog, it is about getting the prey (the profit), even Nintendo can be healthy with the WiiU and its not so good sales, as long as the sales justify the existence of the product, it can hold on its own in terms of profit, it is all good.

Think about this: I open a Restaurant in front of Mcdonalds and Burger King.

The Mcdonalds joint makes 250k in profit every month.

Burger King makes 230k.

I can get 35k in profit.

If you look at this picture, looks like I am the failure, but I am actually very happy: 35k profit will ensure my little restaurant exists forever, in a very profitable way.

So, profit is the name of the game, not being number one, not killing the competition, just being healthy.

I get that this concept is weird for americans, because their culture is so focused on winning as a "being better than the others" type of deal. But, it really isn´t. As long as you get want you really want, you won. And what any company really wants is profit

That is why the PSVITA is actually in very good shape.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.