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Paul said:
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

After a lifetime of evil doing, you just have to accept Jesus Christ as saviour and ask for his forgiveness and forgive those who have wronged you. Simple enough. Sadam could be up there right now if he thought the right thoughts before they hung him.

On the other hand somebody who has done nothing but good their entire lives who happens to be any religion other than christianity is doomed to an eternity of hell fires.

It all makes perfect sense.

This is the original unabridge text taken from the Peshitta. I am not sure how the Koine version differs but I have always interpretted it as meaning that if you only come to know Jesus you get to know god. I take issue with a number of the translations but my understanding of Koine is pretty bad compared to aramaic.

to know the way we are able my Father to comes man no and the life and the truth the way also you would have known me if only
