Part 6: (Final Mission)
1 (in game)
Follow Cecilia and pick up a dove
2 (online)
The dove is a maze with the hint on the back stating "There are two truths to be had inside this maze, and mer dead ends are just as important as the path that sees us through." So find 2 sets of numbers one that compiles of the numbers that are only on the path to the exit (no dead ends) and the other compiled of only the dead ends numbers. Both must be in order of which you come across them.
The numbers are as follows: 982 79 93 5328; 7463 142 8457
you only need to enter the second number (dead end number) to progress to the next part.
3 (in game)
you must take 5 pictures of oragami graffiti around the city.
4 (online)
use the dove cypher from the last online part to find the number to enter into the phone. this number may be random: 496597684548
5 (in game)
track the cell phone to celia's hideout
6 (online)
check out celia's hideout and discover 4 oragmi things that will each give you a FAN# to enter into the intranet as well as one number on the wall
364 53 4014 72
64 67 53 4 23 31
21 63 4 93 41 83
45 83 11 75 37 9
13 89 81 14 1 16
each of these FAN#'s will give you part of cecilia's DUP EID that you need to access the computer with in her room.
To solve the above part (if numbers don't work/ are random/ or i fud'd them) look at the back of the doves and use the key on the correct wall to get an 11 digit number.
To access the computer you need the following information: 49 5 36 84 76; hitori; saisei
7 (in game)
face cecilia, you must track her down to where the final boss battle occured and watch some cool ending video thing. Also the last dove is added to your paper trail
8 (online)
the end look at all you've accomplished.
Talal said: I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014. |
in reference to KH3 release date