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Here are the answers so far (not including those who don't believe in heaven)

youjiro said:
if your asking honestly, i actually don't know. but my personal opinion is that u dnt get into heaven by just going church, to be hoenst i dnt think church is THAT important, i think you have to do more then that or live in a certain way

and yes that is such a vague answer but thats all i got

luinil said:
I think he just doesn't want people to attack him before they post their own views. That is how I see it. Anyways as I believe that there is only one thing that needs to be done: Accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice of his life for your sins. Repent in this way and you get it, at least that is my view. People are entitled to other views and I obviously can't change them. Good day people.

Dogs Rule said:
In my view, the path to heaven is one of compassion. It is therefore accessible to people of any religion. This compassion should extend to all forms of life.

kenzomatic said:
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6

I personly agree with luinil.

ph4nt said:
But anyway, i think just being a good person gets you into heaven, not believing in a certain someone, not going to church or praying or any of tha. Just be a good hearted person.

redspear said:

Since you are asking my opinion. I believe the way to get to Heaven is to be at true peace with yourself. What I mean by that is that si not a blind happiness but a willingness to understand and accept the world for what it is and not require extraneous things to be happy. This means that if you had no TV, no lights, no motor car, not a single luxury you would still feel content and full. It also means that you feel no guilt. Hence the practices the of baptism(which I am not baptized and never will be) and repenting. The practice of baptizing is meant to clean your soul and IMO largely symbolic. The practice of repenting is meant to bring closure to what you have done and good works can give you the feeling that you have done something good with your life. However if you only do this with an intent to get a top floor penthouse in Heaven you are not truly content. This also doesn't mean you can't enjoy the luxuries of today or enjooy games it just means that it shouldn't be the top priority of your life.Essentially this boils down to appreciating the gift of life.

superchunk said:
Belief in God (regardless of what you label yourself or your religion) and be a good moral person.

gamer112 said:
I believe one must repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ through faith as the Son of God. Believe in His virgin birth, his sacrificial death, and his glorious resurrection and believe in whole counsel of Gods Word. One must not only profess, but live and abide in Jesus Christ.

rudyrsr8 said:
Heaven i offered to all, it is a choice to go there or not, hell is a choice to be in to reject love and to be alone.

tuoyo said:
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

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