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@magnific0....of course we have souls. What is a soul? Our intellect, volition, emotions, desires, appetites. Everyone has a soul. What is the spirit then? of a man. Ahhh this here goes much deeper. It's the most inner part of a human being. This is the part of a man that communes with God. This is the part of a man that is dead and can only be revived through what christians call the "new birth experience". This is why kazadoom they cannot see, because they are not alive. They are dead to God. That is why he said that "I am the light". That is why we gloriously claim "I was once blind, but now I see". This is why we weep before a loving and merciful God. When we were not worthy of his redemption, and only worthy of His wrath and an eternal Hell, but mercy and grace kissed and praise God in the highest that I was caught between the two. Thank you Jesus: you have taken captive my life, intellect, volition, emotions, desires, appetites. This is why you are Jesus lover of my SOUL.