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kazadoom said:
Magnific0 said:

Morals are subjective.

I would say the only universal thing that people of all cultures agree with is that "doing anything that hurts other people is defined as wrong" (that includes killing, stealing, etc.) And not even that is always "wrong" it all depends. Killing and stealing, for example is considered morally accepted depending the circumstances. It's all subjective.

How could anyone with no knowledge of right or wrong just make it up some day? Why do animals not act this way? If right and wrong is all subjective, then how can there even be laws? How would have people ever universally agreed on these things if everything was subjective to everyone?

People have universally agreed on morals? We hadn't the last time I checked.

There are things that are virtually (=almost) universal to all cultures. Without an exception, they are things that strenghten the community, and facilitate survival. Animals that live in packs have something similar.

Right and wrong are easily explainable as humans *gasp* evolving so that people who behave in a way beneficial to the community are more likely to breed, and thus pass on their genes. Group working is undeniably one hell of a survival trait in hunter-gatherer communities. This also present an interesting niche for people who don't have morality as we know it.

There is no proof for this explanation, but it's logical and scientific, while a magical man who created the world teaching these things to us is not.