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Magnific0 said:

First of all you'd have to ask yourself , "do I have a SOUL ?" Every religious person asumes they have souls and after the physical body stops functioning (brain death) somehow this soul detaches itself from wherever it resides in you and travels to a "spiritual plane". When does this soul enters the physical body in first place? Is it when both reproduction cells unite? And where was this soul before inhabiting our earthly matter? Can we just asume it was created then and there too (at the union of the cells)?

The belief of Heaven and Hell also asumes the soul is eternal. But aren't eternal things those of which we know no beginning and end, like God? Are we supposed to asume our souls have existed since forever too?

About Hell. Eternal Damnation. So souls are indeed eternal, or so the Bible preaches. Isn't Hell the most sadistic invention imagined? Is that divine justice? Have anyone, the worst of the sinners of mankind history, -Adolf Hitler! comes inmediately to mind-, have anyone really been eternally evil to deserve eternal punishment? If that's the way God works, I'd rather believe there's no God.

 Sorry, I missed this Magnific0. 

The soul is created at conception and is created eternal at that time.  We have a beginning and will not have an end except in our flesh.  God has the power to create something to live forever just as he created the angels to live forever.

Hell is not sadistic because we all deserve it for sinning against a Holy God.  What you fail to see is the mercy that He is offering you through His Son.  If you reject that, then you have chosen Hell for yourself, God does not send anyone to Hell, people send themselves when they reject the free gift of salvation.  God gave His Son's life for you and you have a choice to accept that or reject it so the choice is your and you will get the consequences of that choice.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?