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I would work on trying it with Toon Link, you'll get to Tabuu eventually and if you know how to dodge his red rings of death you should have no problem beating him. (I still need to pratice that though).

I find trying to get behind Raquaiza's (the dragon) head when pogoing on him reduced the chance of falling off or being hit with his spark attacks.

Duon (double mech) I find pogoing onto the head facing away from you saves you the risk of being hit alot and if he starts to spin just do your upper spin attack to get away from him or at the very least reduce the amount of damage you're taking.

Goleam (transforming tank mech) is still unpredictable but more times than not you should do well against him.

Porky, just try and stay on top of at all times, even when he charges his golden spark beam, just move to the side of it to only take a little damage or none at all as the beam will most likely miss you all together. When he jumps up into the air with you still on top to do his red seeking shock attack on targets below, just jump up and start pogoing again so you won't be shocked when he starts firing.