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While I wait for most games to drop to $30 or less before I purchase them, video games are more affordable than ever. If you grew up with the NES, SNES, etc, remember back then when NES games were $60, SNES games were $70-$80? Back then the minimum wage was around $5 or so and everything was much cheaper, but games were very high priced. Video games were only $50 from when PSX released to PS2. N64 was $60+.

Now, minimum wage in the US is $7 in most areas and the price of everything has increased. Video games are $60, less than they were back when the SNES and N64 were new.

Just think about how much it costs just to eat out at a restaurant. $10 minimum and that's if the place is really cheap. Most good restaurants you'll probably pay $20 per person, and then some more expensive ones you can pay more than that for a single meal.

Go out to drink? You'll probably pay $10 just for a few drinks. Movie tickets average $10, etc. So for video games, you pay one amount and you own the game permanently, but you eat out three to six times, go to six movies, go out and drink once or twice, etc, and you're already out of $60.

Or how much do kids toys cost now days. Most cheap plastic toys cost $20 or so..

Video games are an incredibly cheap form of entertainment that you'll actually get your moneys worth out of it. The only thing as cheap as video games and you'll get your moneys worth buying day one is probably books.

The difference now days compared to back then is you have information to help you on what games you might like. You have review sites, but now you have places like Youtube where there's a full playthrough of about just any game a week after it releases.