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I think the problem in the Adam Orth story is that he relayed his employer's (Microsot) point of view, then when they saw it was not very popular policies they were about to unveil they fired him instead of changing their attitude thoward their clients, or going to bat for him... they denied everything... then presented their own elaborate version of "deal with it" (the xbox one) to eventually reverse it, because well they could not fire each and every employees of the xbox division at this point.

I think this particular "mob" did good in the end (I don't know if he had some personal threats, which is bad and should not be sanctioned).

What I really can't stand are people complaining to no end about some game's bad ending, a couple of nit picks about game play/story line, or any subtle change from a game's original reveal compared to the delivered product. These things should be talked about, but some of you guys go and harrass specific member of the development team, often not the producter or whatever, these games are often made by huge teams, not one person can and should take the blame, even if they seem responsible, and if there is one person "responsible" nobody should feel free to threaten them of anything personally.