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baloofarsan said:
CleggaZ said:
baloofarsan said:
CleggaZ said:
baloofarsan said:
CleggaZ said:
baloofarsan said:
AshKetchum1992 said:
They need more JRPG IP's.

What JRPG results in great sales except for Final Fantasy?

Dragon Quest,Monster Hunter,Pokemon,Kingdom Hearts.

Nintendo has MH in the west, and MH & DQ in Japan, and KH on 3DS. so maybe they could get all of them. Probably not FF though.

At best they could get a new FF Crystal Chronicles or other Spin-offs.


Sequals to Last Story and Pandoras Tower: would they be big in sales. I would like more old school RPGs like Pier Solar.

I have a feeling Mistwalker are working on a Wii U RPG possibly a sequel to last story or spiritual successor  and Ganbarion are working on One Piece: Unlimited World RED but could do sequel in the future to. Yes I do think that any big RPGs will sell more systems and bring in fans of the developers.

If you like Pier Solar I would recommend checking out  Soul Saga and Earthlock: Festival of Magic two kick-starter RPGs  that look really promising if you haven’t already.

Already pledged Earthlock. They have reached half of their goal. Still until 12 april to get it all. Let's hope! Will look into Soul Saga.


CRYAMORE is another good kickstarter RPG that has been funded that you may be interested in as well if you don't already know about it. It was inspired by Legend of Zelda, Metroid  Secret of Mana/Legend of Mana,Megaman and Brave Fencer Musashi.