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The kind of extremists he had to deal is horrible. But his point about the internet community is pretty biased. He was a public person, since everyone knew he worked with XB1, and he should have choose his words carefully instead of just ranting like a crying baby. It's not about internet. He could have done the same thing in an interview in a TV programs in 1970 and receive hundreds of angry letters. Twitter is a public site, what you post there is assumed to be seen by the world.

What hen didn't understand is that he wasn't talking only as Adam. He was talking as a XBox brand representative and, in that position, he just tell everybody to shut up and accept what he wanted. For the world, it was XBox telling everyone to shut up and deal with it, not a guy called Adam. He damaged the brand and they fired him (let's be honest, that's what happened) and that was correct. Now, instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he keeps ranting and blaming the public for that.