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As has been said, social norms, and the ideas of right and wrong are very different in different cultures. There are some virtually universal ones, but they're mostly stuff that's required to keep a society running, and probably got figured out by different groups around the world independently from each other.

It's pretty well documented how societies regard behavior that helps the survival of the group as "good", and how important rules often get attributed to sources like gods and mythical heroes to make them seem more important.

Btw, I wouldn't call the prohibition of adultery universal, and a lot of cultures (heck, virtually all of them) endorse some form of hatred.

Btwbtw, kids are most definitely not born with morals, and have to be taught them. Haven't you noticed how kids can be incrediby vicious and well... assholes sometimes? Yeah, that's when they haven't bee indoctrinated with the ideas of right and wrong yet. Luckily most of them learn eventually.