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Genres as specified by Amazon:
Action, Shooter: Red Steel U, Conduit U, and buy Timsplitters franchise.
Adventure: Some story heavy realistic game like Disaster:Day of Crisis or Cursed Mountain.
Arcade & Platform: Less platform more arcade: House of the Dead, Typing of the Dead (perfect for the gamepad)
Board,Card and Casino: Personally: YES! Chess is a beginning but the gamepad is good for card games, Tic-Tac-Toe, Reversi and all other bord games, and why not a little Casino also.
Children: Team up with Disney, Lego, Warner.
Education & Reference: Mario Paint HD, Wii U Music, More like Louvre - museum.
Fighting: Smash coming up.
Music and Dancing: Rythm Heaven, Elite Beat, Team up with Spotify or some other music provider.
Puzzle: Layton, Puzzle and Dragon
Quiz and Trivia: YES! How hard can it be.
Racing: Buy Mikromachines, give us an official steering wheel where we can place the gamepad. Dirt, F1, all of it.
Roleplaying: DQ, MH, KH, FF, Paper Mario, Last Story 2,
Simulation: YES! perfect match with the gamepad. Sim City, Theme Park, Trauma Center.
Sports: Bring on all Mario games, Tennis, Golf,Baseball,Football, and of course Pilotwings.
Strategy: again YES!, perfect match to the gamepad. Adwance Wars, Starcraft.