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Semi-realistic huh........... damn, scratch Shenmue 3, Jet Set Radio 3, Streets of Rage 4, Onimusha 5, Dino Crisis 4 & Fighters Megamix 2 then.

X1- Project Gotham Racing 5. (growing a little tired of Forza, Forza and MORE bloody Forza)

PS4- Resistance 4. (only started playing the Resistance games last year, but have thoroughly enjoyed them)

WiiU- hmmmm, Mario Kart 8 is on the way, Mario platformers still healthy, so nothing at the moment.

3DS- Resident Evil Revelations 2 or a non MercurySteam 2D Castlevania.

Vita- Still to play some 1st/2nd party exclusives like Killzone Mercenary, Unit 13 etc, enjoying my Vita though.

PC- Still not a PC gamer........ never likely to be one either.