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While I do agree that Nintendo needs new IPs, and more mature IPs, this isn't the generation for that. For that to succeed they need to wait for next gen, have a console around the same power of the next gen Xbox and PS and get full 3rd party support. When that happens, they have to have "darker", "grittier" 1st party games ready. What they can do now is to take old IPs that haven't seen a release in a while (Star Fox, Kid Icarus, Metroid) and take them somewhat in a new direction.

People seem to really want a more mature Zelda game - and TP seem to support that view. So give us that. And "westernize" the other franchises I mentioned above; those games could really benefit from it.

EDIT: And if Nintendo wants more mature games and have a more diverce offering they need to expand. I've been saying this for quite some time; but buy some western studios and have NOA manage them. Maybe even create a new brand under which name you can publish these games. Or expand Retro expanansioally and have them making one game per year ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.