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As someone who owns Titanfall, and got an early copy of Infamous 3 days ago (I was answering questions in threads yesterday so if you have any non-plot spoiling questions I'll be glad to answer now) I can say you cannot directly compare the two. 1) They are different genres and 2) I feel they are different generations. What I mean by that is I think Titanfall is a good game, nothing spectacular, but one of the better games I've played recently. I do think it got off a little too easily in reviews for its bare-bone features, but I do not have any complaints of where its metacritic range is. That being said, I still feel like it was a game that could have been released on PS3/360 last gen and fit right in. It is for that reason I have yet to feel my One purchase was justified. SS is the first game I have played to date that made me feel it was not possible to be on a last-gen platform, and thus validated my PS4 purchase. So I don't think you can compare the two directly number wise, if I had to say of the two the one I think was a better overall package I'd go with Infamous. So again any questions feel free to ask.