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I've always wondered where the advantage for the consumer was in exclusives, and I wanted to see what others thought.  So, are they good, bad or indifferent?

Consider this first though - I mean games that could clearly grace multiple consoles.  I'm not talking about something the needs Wii motion sensing or the like.  However should Nintendo have to provide SSBS for other consoles?  Should HW and SW be made seperate?

Now, my view...

Exclusives are bad for the consumer.  Why? In my view they only serve the console companies, MS, Sony, Nintendo and do nothing for me as a consumer because:

  • If I want access to all games I need to buy multiple consoles - fantastic, just what I've always wanted.
  • If I don't want all consoles then I can't have access to all games - fantastic, just what I've always wanted.

Of course nothings that simple.  Should Insomniac have to support more than PS3?  Or is it just 'paid for' exclusives that should be frowned upon?

What about innovation?  How could Wii come about without the ability to be different?

Should MS be able to pay for exclusives?

What do others think?  Is there a way to have innovation and choice without denying consumers access to products, or is this just part of the gaming scene and you just have to make the best choice you can and live with it?


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...