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Well i've to admit that in the first place i was a bit disappointed since i expected something closer from the 90 zone. I realy enjoyed the 1st inFamous and i had high hopes for this one.

But after reading some of your posts i tend to agree, even 80 is still a good score for such a game. It's funny how scores looks worse than they actually are when they are out of 100. With an order of size of 10 it already looks way better. 8/10 is a good score. 9/10 and 10/10 should only be for the amazing/incredible games. Moreover i don't want that games get great scores only based on the graphics. It matter but shouldn't be over the other criteria.

So it seems fair enough, that was probably their ambitions anyway and i don't think they could really have done much better with the time and budget they had. And it's true that the inFamous franchise is a bit limited when it comes to the storyline and the variety of missions. But it's just like that with this kind of games. If they would have try to play in the same category than GTA and make more variety, a complex storyline, and more stuffs to do in the city it's very likely that we would have had to wait for years. Or we wouldn't have had a technicaly well finished game.

At the end of day, the sales will be very good and most of the players will have fun and will enjoy it. Sony will be satisfied, i bet they prefer this kind of results than big projects with ridiculous high development budget like The Last Guardian which take ages to be released. And then even if it finally comes out one day and get a 90+ on metacritic would still make them lose much money.