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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
DanneSandin said:
Wow, is this what people call a flop? Stop with the clickbait already!!

So, I'm not a Sony loyalist, so I'm wondering what this talk about Adam Sessler is all about? Only weird score I've seen from him is Forza which got a 5/5....

Sessler has a small but noticable Xbox Bias. He doesn't outright white knight for MS, but he frequently tries to level the playing field between Xbox and Playstation, microsoft apologist etc..., and so during the DRM fiasco he was one of the journalist saying MS wasn't so much in the wrong, we should let them explain themselves, drm always on might be a good thing we  don't know, and we don't know what sony would do. This is was before the revesal. After it, he didn't even mention it and he's done the same for all the other GateFiascos.

He was just as Biased last gen but since he was an american journalist and the 360 was holding its own in the U.S, it was more stealthly than it is now.

He also barely even acknoledges Nintendo. So Adam Sessler has little credibility now a days, back then he was actually good at his job if a bit biased.

He's just running on legacy now.

I've only seen him on rev3, so I have nothing else to compare with. But I know he had some critizism to dish out to Ryse as wel... What else has he said/done to make him biased? I'm quite curious.

But I've noticed rev3 doesn't cover anything Nintendo actually. No Pokemon or Zelda review for 3DS. No Mario or Donkey Kong review for Wii U...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.