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I'm on the last world. I really wanted to be blown away like everyone else, but what we've got here is a solid game that doesn't live up to its legacy. I absolutely loved 3D Land, because its simplicity worked so well on the handheld. This is a sequel that I would be loving on my 3DS and I'm mildly enjoying on my Wii U. I've played with people and without, and each are fun. Just not the amazing experience everyone says it is. In fact as far as console Marios go, it's extremely watered down and shallow.

So I'm with you, bud. This is a very "good" game. But it's not what I want on my shiny new HD Nintendo system. It's not even in the same league as Galaxy or Sunshine. I feel like Nintendo is just devolving now.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9