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I trying to learn more about the gaming industry just for curiosities sake.  I was just wandering what the low budget games really have to sell in order to be profitable.  What are the costs of a low budget game, for instance . . .

I think that I read where the average cost for an XBLA game was between 100-200k.  If this is true then what do they need to sale to profit on that?

Zack and Wiki - sold 300k so far.  Did they make some good money on that game, just not sure what the dev costs and marketing was for it.

Elebits - same thing, sitting at 250k right now

No More Heroes - getting close to 200k, but did this game make any money?

Dewys Adventure has only sold 70k, so did it lose money being so low?

Nights is another one, only at 160k right now 

Just trying to understand things a little more.  Also, give some games that you know of that have low sales and wether it was good enough to pull profit or not. 

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Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?