fps_d0minat0r said: No hes saying different businesses go to different extents to make money. |
I know that. And I am saying trying to rank them is an exercise in futility. Especially with a list as laughable as the one he gave. Again, whoever you put #1, just understand that if #2 and #3 could be as successful at it as #1, they'd do it in a heartbeat. The list:
Paying for online. Not only was MS not the first or only gaming company to do this, but Sony has followed suit. I don't even know if Nintendo has ever done this. SEGA charged as well.
DRM. Uh, Sony? Hello. Also, PSN Pass. Nintendo appears to get out clean again here. This of course is just console gaming. The PC side is ripe with DRM.
Making money on accessories. Like every single company ever. Such a stupid point.
Faulty hardware. I would put this into the bad business category, but idk if I would call it capitalizing on ignorant consumers. Also, again, Sony. And maybe Nintendo isn't as bad as we thought? Never had an issue with reliability from them.
Paying for exclusive content. This is totally not capitalizing on any gamer, but it is funny because he doesn't care when Sony does it.
The last two are not even worth pointing out why they are wrong. To summarize, companies enjoy making money. What some are saying is basically "yeah well ur company tries to make more money than mine!!1" LOL. Carry on though, I'm out.