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Kwaad said: This site has gotten horribly bad about PS3 attacking.
I would say that this is far less about the PS3 as it is about stupidity ... There are good ways to make arguments ("The Wii is currently outperforming the Gamecube at the same point in life so it will likely sell better than the Gamecube did through-out its life") There are bad ways to make arguments ("The PS3 is performing at a better rate than the nGage did so it will sell in a similar range to the PS2") Directly comparing the sales of the PS3 in Japan and North America to the sales of the XBox 360 in Japan and North America is not a particularly good comparison ... No one argues that the XBox 360 will ever be popular in Japan, the comparison of the two systems basically says "hey look the 360 sucks in Japan!" ...