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naznatips said:
blykmik, even if you want to say "in the home" you are ignoring signifficant factors.

For example, combined total software sales of the PS2 and PS3 are around half the total software for the Wii. This implies two important things: 1) Most PS2 purchases are replacements and 2) The consoles are relatively inactive, and not generating much revenue for publishers.

You're also ignoring the fact that the PS2 accounts for almost 60% of the hardware sales and less than 40% of software sales. Once again, this shows that the PS2 consoles are relatively inactive, and are mostly purchased as replacements.

And finally, it's rather ridiculous to say that handhelds and home consoles aren't in the same market when the DS stole the main game in what was by far Sony's biggest Japanese exclusive: Dragon Quest.

I thought Ioi stated somewhere in his numbers that a lot of the old PS2 titles were not tracked, that and the fact that there are thousand of PS2 titles out there and at best the top 200 weekly bestsellers are tracked for total software sales ( aren't you supposed to know the policy of the site as a minimum as a mod ???)... ( a thousand titles selling 200 copies a week would add 200k software/week...)

Besides it would be fair to assume that at this point a lot of PS2 software sales are used games which are not tracked

I would really doubt those PS2 console are inactives as be it in Best Buy or Gamestop usually the PS2 shelf is bigger than the Xbox360 one and I doubt those shops allocate shelves to titles that don't sell.. 


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !