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SvennoJ said:
I had a long play session last night, explored the Bastille from top to bottom. I've got 4 different ways to go atm but stupidly (I guess) chose the Belfry first. There dark souls showed it's annoying antics again. I was just taking a sneak peek before going back to spend my hard earned 62k souls when I get invaded while hollow. Not wanting to waste my time on that and risk my bounty, I sign out of psn, banishing the invader. (And unlike Dark souls, it doesn't quit you back to the title screen, you can keep playing).

5 seconds later the invasion message pops up again for an AI character. OK I'll just leave, nope exit closed. Homeward bone doesn't work, quit game disabled. Ok, so you want to be smart with me... I wait until the little save game flame has come and gone and I hard quit the game. Restarted the game. It accuses me of not closing the game properly but loads no problem, exit is open, so I leave, fast travel to Majula, spend souls, and back again.

Back in the belfry, same thing happens. Invaded again (still in offline mode and hollow). I look for the invader. Find him on the top with 5 more dwarfs with cross bows taking pot shots at me, while my spells are very ineffective. I try to take them on, but the delay for casting is enough already to get killed.

Second attempt, I run around, let them trail me around corners so I can pick up the loot, pull the level (bell rings) and loot a chest. That last animation takes too long and just after I pick up the items I get hit with 3 or 4 crossbow bolts, dead.

Third attempt, the gate to the mist is open. I'll go that way instead. I run into a bunch or Gargoyles... Well that's in a different league of difficulty compared to the bosses so far. I hold out for a bit, deal some damage while dodging three at a time, until 1 decides to go high and blast me with fire from above, 1 hit death. Guess I'll need some help there, although that means going online and having to do pvp most likely, bah.

Or I could first go to No man's wharf, Exile holding cells, or whatever that huge blue fort is you reach from Sinner's rise. Where should I go first.

As letsatdark said nomanswharf and huntsman corpse should be very easy for you since you just finished the lost bastille. Also you can buy a ring from a cat that lets you survive big falls, just outside of her house their is a well traverse down their for some items and a new area!