forevercloud3000 said: “"I think it's fair to say there's a segment of consumers at this show (E3) in particular who really pay attention, who are very passionate about all aspects of gaming, and that we listen to closely. In a broader set of community, people don't pay attention to a lot of the details. We've seen it in the research, we've seen it in a lot of the data points."
This Article has other pertinant information to this argument but I will center on the main statement. The quoted line above is from Microsoft PR, Mehdi Yusef. Its not really new knowledge but it isn't something you usually hear admitted aloud. Ive always seen MS marketing tactics for what they were. Back when PS2/Xbox/Gamecube ruled the octogon, I went exclusively PS2, its a product I grew up with, it was familiar. Yet I have no qualms with the others. In fact I was quite envious of KOTOR and Fable on the XBOX back in that day. Just after those console's reign came to a close, I decided I would pick up an XBOX system for cheap, yet right around that time many stores stopped carrying XBOX stuff. At that point I looked towards the next gen. PS3 was a logical choice as many of the games I loved would assuredly go there, but 360 was interesting too. It came a whole year earlier and so much positive media going for it at the time. I remember being in Walmart and seeing King Kong in HD on the system, blew my mind. Yet I had to wait on getting any next gen console due to financial troubles. What I learned during that waiting period I found troubling, and was basically why I ended up going exclusively Playstation once again....
Now comes Xbox One, which in turn, does even more to "trick" consumers into things they will surely regret. They continue the nickle and diming with accessories(requiring seperate rechargeable batteries, headset adapter to make premium headsets functional) and the system costs $100 more with weaker specs than PS4 to boot. Horrible DRM was about to seep into the gaming industry before massive outrage by hardcore. After they fixed that issue tho, the whole situation was just glazed over by most who I feel just don't see the bigger picture. Xbox One WILL repeat many of the things 360 did. You will recieve some top notch "exclusives" like Titanfall early on but they will dissapate as the years go, with many of them eventually going Multiplat as they are not 1st Party.
The unfortunate truth is that MS is right. The larger base of consumers do not pay attention to these factors, and simply follow the leader. I think if they really thought about them, they would be forced to reevaluate their buying habits.
It's amazing there are people this brainwashed by a giant greedy corporation called $ony in this world...
I bet people like this think about Xbox 24/7. Not games, not Playstation, just how much they dislike Xbox...I always envision people like this playing Little Big Planet muttering "I'm gonna get you of these days" in some dank basement...because I dont think anybody else would want to play LBP.
This is the fanbase that after bashing Xbox to no end for pay online, literally stood up and cheered at E3 when Sony announced...paid forced online.