TheLastStarFighter said:
Seeing as there were 6 towns in Zelda 2, I don't think hardware limitiations are the problem. They've just kept Zelda as a "small-scale" epic since ALttP. Every single villager and aspect of Hyrule has a purpose. I think this is a mistake. There should be lots of "filler", pointless NPC's and buildings and areas. These should be there to add a sense of scope, and to make the relavant characters/objects/areas feel more important. I would like to have a bit of a journey with Zelda, where you go to several new towns and solve there problems and move on to the next challenge in your journey. |
I agree with almost everything you said, except that "There should be lots of "filler", pointless NPC's and buildings and areas"; that's not the way to go. Every town should have a purpose, and every villgae should have important NPCs - if only to give you hints or legends about what you should/could do. They could be the fast travel points on the map, and your base of operations in a certain area, where you can get equipement.
I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!
Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.