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DanneSandin said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I'm really looking forward to this next Wii U Zelda. I think the last two games taught him somethings people want (Open world, exploration) and don't want (Linear). I'd also like some 2D/top-down elements incorporated into combat and puzzle solving. A little more action involving lots of enemies and some creative boss battles. Wrap it up it some very good looking somewhat realistic visuals and I will be very happy. Also, another vote for "more villages"! I thought the series was going somewhere with Zelda II... but then that stopped. Still waiting a few decades later.

Yeah, I wonder why they've always kept the world small-ish... Maybe because of hardware limitations, but that's NO excuse this time around! Skyrim was biiiig, Hyrule could be even bigger (not saying that it should, just that it could).

Seeing as there were 6 towns in Zelda 2, I don't think hardware limitiations are the problem.  They've just kept Zelda as a "small-scale" epic since ALttP.  Every single villager and aspect of Hyrule has a purpose.  I think this is a mistake.  There should be lots of "filler", pointless NPC's and buildings and areas.  These should be there to add a sense of scope, and to make the relavant characters/objects/areas feel more important.  I would like to have a bit of a journey with Zelda, where you go to several new towns and solve there problems and move on to the next challenge in your journey.