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Rath, of course I prefer the PS3 since I do own one and enjoy the games. It's just natural for you to like and enjoy what you do own. ;)

DKII, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the PS3 also launch earlier in Japan then it did in the US? I thought it may have been a couple months, but may have only been like a week or two.

But, if the PS3 does have 5 more years before they think of releasing the "next" generation console, won't the costs of the PS3 drop considerably to where it could be considered a "budget" console at that time? Some who have a PS2 and no other current generation console may be enjoying the PS2 and its game library awaiting for the PS3 to drop further in price, or their financial situation to improve to buy one. But again, that doesn't mean that they will for sure buy a PS3, just that they are waiting their time to get it when it fits their budget better for any of the newer consoles.

Myself I do consider handhelds a completely different creature then consoles as they are portable and used in many places that cannot support a console easily, and in many cases, to keep the kids busy while driving or doing other things. I have a PSP, but I never use it unless I'm traveling and on vacation. It fits a completely different need for me and never sees use at home unless I am looking to go and use the remote play feature to enjoy some videos from another room.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.