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BMaker11 said:
Sqrl said:
BMaker11 said:
Who said the PS3 was doing terribly when compared to PS2, and that it followed the GC/Xbox trendline?

VGC says differently:

Matter of fact, it's following EXACTLY the same as the PS2 almost


^^That was seriously the face I made when I read your post. This is
an argument that has come up many many times.
Try these: Japan - Europe - America

Europe matches up closely without the early data mucking things up. But the other two regions lag behind. This is clearly incongruent with the graph you linked, so lets look closer.

If you look at weekly sales from launch you can see that the PS3 has yet to show it can perform as well as the PS2 did during the holidays and is still performing under the PS2 during the normal part of the year as well. Just as a note, the reason the Wii is ahead of the PS2 on these graphs is because the PS2 didn't actually leap out to ridiculous sales right away, it actually took till its second year before it got a full head of steam. So even the Wii is going to have to show some muscle to keep pace in the coming weeks.

Also you could have checked the GC and Xbox trends to see there were problems. Even the GC & Xbox keep up for the first 40 weeks or so, just like the PS3. The PS3 cought back up due to holiday offsets but here in about 12 weeks (based on your graph) the PS3 will be competing against the PS2's first big holiday season and will likely fall behind.

You really have to know what you're looking at with aligned launch graphs. Staggered launches, and the general performance throughout the lifetime of the consoles being compared can skew things quite a bit. can cherry pick if you want and try and separate it into regions (even though the graphs shows ALL REGIONS) but the fact of the matter is that 60-70 weeks after their respective inital launches, the PS2 and PS3 worldwide sales were about the same, and that's all that really matters. Especially to the people that keep spouting "The PS3 install base it too small to deserve an exclusive game. Company X is dumb for not putting it on the 360" even though total, yes TOTAL numbers show that comparatively, the PS3 is doing very well when put it in league with its' predeccesor. I mean, VGC IS a sales tracking/comparison site. Why get your panties in a bunch when I compare numbers?

And even if you do decide to look at the GC trendline, you'll still see that it falls off and that it didn't reach the numbers the PS3 has as of now until about 70-80 weeks after you see the GC lag behind where the PS3 is.

So yeah, you fail

WARNING: Critical thinking and the ability to read graphs required!

My argument was a lot more than breaking it up by region, breaking it up by region was meant purely to show there was an issue with your comparison.

FACT: PS2 didn't start selling well until around week 40. Proof (this is due to a staggered launch FYI)

FACT: PS3 started to lag behind the aligned launches at around week 40. Proof

FACT: PS3 cought back up due to hitting the holidays which started to kick in around week 50 until around week 60. Proof

FACT: PS2 will pull away from the PS3 in 12 weeks when it hits it's holidays. Which is at week ~88 through ~98 in the aligned comparison you're using. Proof

FACT: PS2 was only on sale in Japan for the first 34 Weeks which is what caused this discrepency. Proof 

Again if you don't account for offset launches things can be missleading, one console can surge while another idles. All you are seeing is a holiday sales spike lifting the PS3 up to the level of the PS2 temporarily, the only reason it did catch up is because as I said the PS2 didn't have a stellar first year. Take a look at this graph to see what I mean about the PS2's slow start. If you're going to use the PS2 as a barometer you need to understand the structure of its life. A console being on par with the PS2's early life is not unprecedented by any means. The GC, 360, Xbox, and PS3 all kept up for the first 40 weeks before falling behind.

By your logic the fact that at week 45 the Wii was more than double the PS2 in the aligned launches means that the Wii is destined to sell at least double the PS2. The Wii even managed to hold that pace all the way out to week 69 (the most recent week). But as this graph shows, the Wii isn't likely to maintain that ratio.

You know what...if you still don't believe me then I invite you to create a thread about it. I'm tired of explaining things to people too dedicated to the result they want to see anything else. I'll let everyone else explain why you're wrong since you don't want to believe me.


To Each Man, Responsibility