Rayman didn't even do half on XB1 what it did on PS4, should Ubisoft abandon XB1? No.
Assassin's Creed IV did over twice the amount of sales on PS4 than on XB1. Abandon the XB1? No.
Also, those 2 games were out on last-gen before current-gen. If the PS3 and PS4 versions would have released at the same time, the PS4 versions would have sold a lot better.
Games like AC5, CoD2104 and other cross-gen games will probably sell better on PS4/XB1 than on PS3/X360. You can already see this in pre-orders: TitanFall on XB1 had more pre-orders than the X360 version, Destiny's top pre-orders come from PS4 and XB1, just like Watch Dogs' most pre-orders are from the PS4 and XB1. Metal Gear Solid's most pre-orders are also coming from a new system: the PS4. Thief's sales also come mainly from PS4 and XB1, with the PS4 version doing almost 7 times the amount of sales the game does on PS3, 7!
Sorry, but this has to be one of the dumbest threads on the internet.