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jjseth said:
trestres said:
This feels like SDF, therefore fails completely.

Actually more like NDF to me.


I read and lurk on the Sony gaming forums quite a bit, specifically in the Socom forums. blykmik is one of the highest respected posters there because he puts alot of thought into his posts, has great ideas and is a positive member to the community.

On Sony gaming forums? I wonder why. Still I agree, he has retained a civil manner. In fact he reminds me a bit of John Lucas, posting something somewhat crazy but still somehow logical.

I haven't posted much on here lately just because of some posters who will fight tooth and nail about how great the Wii is and then laugh at everythign Sony does even if it's a good thing, such as Blu-Ray beating HDDVD. (ie. LOL BD won't win because of digital downloads).

There are fanboys for every console. BRD has won and will get strong sales, whether its success will ever be comparable to DVD is an argument for another post however.

Lately the sniping towards Sony has dropped, but once someone dares to speak about how Nintendo may not be the most dominant gaming company by a long shot a thread quickly becomes filled with anti-sony/Pro-nintendo posts from the Nintendo faithful here.

Because by every standard Nintendo is the most dominant company at the moment, finding one way to fudge the figures otherwise (Gaming devices, not including handhelds, for both this generation and last generation) is not proving otherwise. By the standard descriptions of being the dominant company (current gen home consoles, current gen home consoles + handhelds, profit) Nintendo is winning. I actually didn't notice any anti-Sony posts though, can you point them out? In fact pro-Nintendo posts are hard to come by too. Most of the posts are either spam or pointing out errors in his logic or pointing out that he is in fact cherry picking.

And there may be a very good reason why PS2 software isn't selling as good as it used to when looking at the charts. Trade-in's and those sold on ebay, etc are not counted into software sales since they initially were released. Many who have bought a PS2 can find a very vast game library to enjoy by buying used and not new. So obviously it's not in the charts since they were sold before.

Indeed that is quite possibly a factor. Along with people buying replacements being another factor. Along with other factors (budget gamers not willing to buy as many games?)

He's constantly come back and replied respectfully to all who were negative, posting lolcats, sniping at him, and has not fired off any cheap shots at the nintendo fanboys. I see his point of where he is coming from and it perfectly makes sense to me. Many nintendo fans will agree that graphically the Wii is like a souped up PS2 with motion controls, but still not in the same ball park when talking about graphics on the 360 or PS3.
Of course, now I expect those to come back and say how "I'm a Sony Fanboy". Well, I'm not. Yes, I do have a PS3. But I also have a 360. If I were a true sony fanboy, I wouldn't dare be caught owning a game system that is a competitor to Sony. My TV wouldn't be a Hitachi and my DVD player wouldn't be a Toshiba and my receiver wouldn't be an onkyo if I were a "true" sony fanboy.

Actually the Wii is nothing like a souped up PS2, its architecture is completely different I think. Souped up GC is more like it, and no it is not graphically in the same league as the HD consoles. I fail to see what this has to do with anything however? Generation is decided by time, not power.

And you have always been a little bit of a PS3 fan JJSeth, just the same way as I have always liked the Wii =P. No need to deny it, we are all biased in some ways.

Besides, should all of you nintendo fanboys be busy playign SSBB and not arguing on the web? I mean is it like the second coming of Jesus to some here, so I don't know why you'd lose out on gaming time just to post in a thread about a guy who brought up some interesting questions and solid data. *Flawed in Nintendo Fanboys eyes because Nintendo no longer has a monster lead in this case*

The same reason any of us post on this forum at all? Because we enjoy it?

Anyway, the data is solid, its just been used in a way that isn't, as Mark Twain said 'Statistics are like a lady of the night, once you have them down you can do whatever you want to them'.