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Awesome topic, maybe I would have graduated if there was something I cared about enough to do in school.

Anyways I have an xbox one. Because it had the most attractive line up for my persona. taste. I own 4 games now and 3 are cross gen, ghost, nba 2k14, and titan fall with killer instinct being the only just next gen title.

So killer instinct aside it's not really just the games that attracted me. I wanted to play the games I wanted in the most powerful way possible and remain comfortable while doing so.

out of my four games, only ghost is apparently better to play on the ps4 while nba 2k14 is the same on paper and the other two games can't be played on that platform.

I'm deep in the xboxlive community so a few extra pixels on some games aren't worth severing my ties. In this era with profiles, rewards and records of investments it makes converting harder to do, almost like quitting a job, changing a bank or getting out of a long term relationship.

I always hated both sony and nintendo's controllers so it was also a factor.

When both consoles are announced with their policies and features, I was back and forth all of last year on which one I was going to get. For a long time I was sure I was switching to sony.

to be clear I've been mostly a multi system owner all my life but out of ps3, 360 and wii, 360 was my main. I never signed up for ps plus or bought any content online from sony or nintendo while I was racking up purchases on the 360. The ps3 was free to play online which was attractive in it;s own right, despite that I preferred paying for gold because the connection felt way smoother and updates didn't take so damn long. And once again the controller, I got cod titles for both systems and underperformed on the ps3 because my large hands cramped up on those controls after a short while, and the sticks were too loose and oddly positioned. The dual shock design comes from another era of gaming and doesn't hold up as well against the offset stick design for FPS games.

With every game era there has been a decrease in exclusive games and an increase of multi plats, so unless if you're with nintendo you won't miss out on a lot of major things either way. I will however not rule out getting a ps4 for wii u somewhere later on down the line. It might be pretty soon for the wii u because the smash bros franchise is a hard one to ignore for me, as for the ps4........nothing on that side is calling me yet.

I'm more of a multi player gamer so things like the last of us can't hold my attention.

I could write more but that should be enough.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)