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So now you have this team that has put your most popular franchise in the worst position its ever been in the fans eyes, you have given this team 3 chances to put out a worthy FF game and they have failed each time, every game getting received worse and worse.  Now because of this its up to the original KH team and Nomura to bring the FF series back to once it what was.  Do you keep the team and hope they do better next time?  Do you keep certain people and fire others, if so who?  

Personally I'd never let Motomu Toriyama direct another FF game and if he does leave it only to handheld games, like he did with Revenant Wings, and if there's no plans for a handheld FF game then I'd fire him.  As for Yoshinori Kitase its a tough call since he has done good in the past, with FFX, KH, KH2, Dissidia and Type-0,  so I'd  keep him around.