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Do not use excuse that Wii U is outpacing PlayStation 4 because it was launched on holiday season, neary two months passed after holidays when PlayStation 4 launched and in that time frame you could easily save enough money to buy one in Japan also it launched with now with somewhat enstablished library of games.

But... There are.just a couple of games on PlayStation 4 that are appealing to Japanese gamers and one of them is also available on PlayStation 3 plus a lot of games that are appealing to japanese gamers like Driveclub, Natural Doctrine(also on PS3) and there is also another important game that was delayed...

Also it has one third higher price than Wii U thus less people can afford it or people are more unsure if they are willing ti spend 400$ on a piece of hardware plus they need to pay a subscription for online.multiplayer for majority of games thus starting cost is 450$...

Wii U from the start had 5-10 games appealing for Japanese audience...