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Doom on SNES and some other late games had a 21 MHz CPU in the cartridge that was faster than the SNES CPU (3,58 MHz).

Trine 2 really doesn't push Wii U's hardware, there's usually not much going on and it's 30 fps.
But yes, it's a little surprising that Shin'en and Slightly Mad Studios seem to be better than Nintendo at pushing the Wii U hardware with their upcoming racing games.

NES: Kirby's Advenure
SNES: Donkey Kong Country, Street Fighter Alpha 2
N64: Conquer's Bad Fur Day
GameCube: Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 2
Wii: Xenoblade Chronicles, Galaxy 2, DKCR
Wii U: Super Mario 3D World

Lots of first and second party. Second party studios are usually included when people say that Nintendo knows best how to push their hardware.