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Player2 said:

McLaren got Sergio Perez and Telmex has been supporting his career for a long time. I expect Telmex (or Telcel, or any other company owned by Carlos Slim) to sponsor McLaren when Vodafone leaves. If that happens money won't be an issue. However lack of talented engineers and a good engine can. We've seen lots of teams with tons of $$$ doing nothing.

I say engine because in 2014 the rules that ban engine evolution will be gone. I won't be surprised if teams that get their engines from manufacturers that have their own team end up getting worse engines or evolutions later.

Also Mercedes true target is to win the championship in 2014 with their own team, taking advantage of the rule changes (so 2013 is too early for them). Combine this with Ferrari still having one and a half drivers and you know where my Red Bull winning the constructors championship this year prediction comes from.

Except for Carlos Slim not supporting McLaren due to Sergio Perez unexpectedly leaving the team (however he is sponsoring Sergio Perez's new team with Claro), everything seems to go as expected so far.

Not bad for something I said one year ago.