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@ Dr. Grass

Here is the proof that I have gotten the Platinum Trophy on the 27th of March 2012 (my birthday).

There are a lot of generalizations and stereotypes that you throw around, you know...

Demon's Soul was able to create a feeling of atmosphere in some levels... but your character was only an empty shell, there was almost no dialogue in the game and next to no story at all.

I don't really understand your obsession with difficulty level. Video Games are not only there for a challenge, they are also a means of entertainment, telling you fantastic stories or letting you do things that you can't do in reality. You can visit ancient Greece or Renaissance Italy, can travel through Space or use Magic.

If I read a book I simply enjoy the story. I am not trying to read it as fast as possible or with a really small font size just that it gets more difficult.

Games like Demon's Souls are simply made for gamer with your Attitude. I simply did not like this approach. Final Fantasy XIII is made for gamer with my approach who put more focus on storytelling. Tastes are different.

So although I have the skill to beat games on the highest difficulty level I get no satisfaction out of this. I simply do not care. I also do not care about competitive online multiplayer... Winning against a stranger on the internet is not something that gets me excited. I only care about if a game is entertaining or not.