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BeElite said:
Devil_Survivor said:
BeElite said:
Devil_Survivor said:
BeElite said:
Devil_Survivor said:
You can say the same about the West, they doesn't get Japan either. Look at Microsoft for example with Xbox, the OG and 360 sold next to nothing there and MS might not even release the One in Japan. Like the other here saying developers should just be themselves and make the games they want to make not worry about having to make the game appeal to average dude bro who plays COD, see RE6 for what I mean when a Japanese developer sells out their creative vision.

No not really, japan is just very anti things not japanese.  car electronics what ever.

You know that's funny, because the Iphone has the biggest smart phone in Japan and that's an American phone.....

Fuuny is your sentance makes no sense 

reality is they are a very fadish people they jump on stuff hard but show me overall japan cell sales ?  id wager a guess majority are Japanese brands. 

I edited my post after you saw it to say " smart phone market share", btw you spelled funny wrong lol. 

What evidence have you shown to back anything your saying about Japanese consumers? Your just repeating seterotypes that people have about the consumer in Japan. Apple has 60 percent of the market for smartphones, and there their is other products  like the iPad. They are many products I could name they sell well in Japan that are not from there.

LoL how about western made games this being a game site, western made console.

Might want to look up car sales and how phobic they are to non japanese cars, only exceptions being exotics and high end luxery.

Any products thats not an Apple ? as i said japan loves fads, they eat up fads pushed by apple.  No surprise there. 

That's games lol, what about everything else? With cars, isnt it cheaper to buy your own country cars since there are build in that country? So are you really surprised they buy their own cars in greater numbers? I live in Korea, and its the same way here, they by far prefer their own cars mostly because they are cheaper then imports even the non-luxary  ones. That's not the best example.

Well sweets like Kit-Kat are really popular in Japan, all the American Fast Food chains there, American movies, Starbucks, and much more if I searched hard enough.