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This guy sounds more butt hurt and offended than anything else. Why can't Japan just be Japan instead of trying to force them to be like us? As if it's such a horrible offense they aren't dying to be like us. More studios should maintain their identities instead of watering them down for our fastfood/doritios culture. All that shit is based on bubbles and popularity anyways do people really think COD is gonna last forever? Like Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero? They need to go back the universal, archetypal ideas they once had in games like Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, etc. I also find it hypocritical that he's so angry they aren't taking time to understand and do things our way, while we are doing none of that for them. When have we ever taken the time to understand and do things someone else's way? Never perhaps? Conformity is such a huge part of culture from dress, to speech, interests, etc. Pot call the kettle black they're just doing to us what we do to EVERYONE. I guess conformity isn't so fun when another country does it as strongly as yours.

Tbh I love small American studios, some of my favourite games of late have been from them because they have a solid and unique identity, just like the Japanese did and they should stop comprising for the sake of halocodgta and Mountain Dew. I'm tiring of mainstream western studios, I have 15 Xbox games from various studios and franchises and 9 of them have the exact same controls, hand holding, and overly guided game play. It's not even fun, I don't do anything in these games, I just walk and shoot for 10 hours, anything complex or difficult is rubbed out or done for me.

Ugh don't get me started on culturally self-entitled gamers "Every studio everywhere has to appeal to me and my fat body! None of that nintendo japanese shit!" God forbid someone do something kinda different and not try to appeal to you and your basic interests.