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I think it all just relies on the fact that the poster really doesn't want to give credit to any certain game on another system, and justify the ability for a game to sell well.

IE, PS3 has no games, SMG is going to be uber-awesome and send the Wii past the PS2's lifetime sales in 3 weeks.

Poster forgets that PS3 has GTAIV, a series that has far outsold most every recent Mario game by quite a bit.

The bias is because they really don't like GTA, nor Playstation, and only love Nintendo titles.

It happens with most people. This is why most fanboys on this website suck so much on the prediction league. I dislike Halo, and most FPS games, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to acknowledge it'll be this years biggest selling title outside of GTA and to a smaller extent, SMG.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.